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The searchfield in insight-web can be used for fulltextsearch.
The searchfile can obtain simple parts but it can also process more complex expressions. The possibilities are based on "Query String Query" of ElasticSearch.

Simple fulltextsearch:

Besides simple fulltexsearch its also possible to use more complex expressions with AND, OR or NOT:

Also the following Expressions with '?' and '*' that replaces one or more characters can be processed

Analysis of searchstring

Elastic analyses the searchstring. That means the searchstring will be tokenized and insight-middleware sets the concatation of these terms to "AND".

Please see

During analysis of searchstring Elasticsearch interprets minus "-" as NOT. So if your data contains minus like LAC10-AP001--M01

So if your data contains minus like LAC10-AP001--M01 you will find data with searchterm "LAC10". But with "LAC10-AP001" you will get all data that contains "LAC10" but NOT "AP001". So maybe your result is empty and not what you expected:

The treeConfig should contain the following section to avoid that Elastic interprets Minus as NOT

    "clientProperties": {
        "searchReplace": { "-": " " }

With this configuration Elastic splits the searchvalue LAC10-AP001 into to terms LAC10 and AP001 and the result contains all data that contains both terms