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Besides the connection to an EAM an additional independed datasource can be configured.

TreeConfigs can be build upon the datasource and used in insight-clients.

The following chapters describe the installation process.

Step 1: Preparation

Datasource configuration

In JEE-Server the datasource "schemadb" has to be configured analogous to insightdb.

In JEE-Server the datasource "backenddb" has to be configured. Please make sure that the JEE-Server provides a suitable driver. Otherwise this has also to be configured.

Backenddb points to the database/table that contains the data that should be invoked.

Please restart JEE-Server after changing the config.

Deploy Datasource-Backend

Deploy insight-datasource-backend.war in JEE-Server.

Deploy v3-Server

Deploy insight-v3server.war in JEE-Server.

Step 2: Upload configs

Upload all config-files to insight-v3server. Please make sure that the configuration contains a v2-configuration.

Step 3: Activate configs

Activate properties

Please activate properties marked with v3-server in comment:

  • indexer.eam.url
  • indexer.eam.type
  • gateway.forward.insight.eam.config
  • gateway.forward.insight.action

Redeploy gateway

Please redeploy insight-gateway.war

Redeploy indexer

Please redeploy insight-indexer.war.

After redeploying of indexer please make sure that all treeConfigs will be displayed in management-view of insight-indexer.