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Encrypt DB-Password

The definition of datasources in JEE-Container requires user and password. Password encrytion depends on the JEE-Container. It can be encrypted done as follows:


  • Encrypt password with

    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -cp modules\system\layers\base\org\picketbox\main\picketbox-5.0.3.Final.jar PLAIN-PASSWORD

    insight\wild\ contains encrypt.bat with this command.

  • Edit standalone.xml and insert a new security-domain, where user and encrypted password are defined:

    Search entry subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:security and enter the following snippet

    <security-domain name="encrypted-ds-mssql" cache-type="default">
            <login-module code="" flag="required">
                <module-option name="username" value="<USER>"/>
                <module-option name="password" value="<encrypt-password-with-encrypter-script>"/>
  • Use security-domain in datasource definition instead of user and password

  • Please use different security-domains for different datasources :