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Config Migration

Remove ClientProperties

In V2 configurations, "ClientProperties" attributes are no longer required. To remove them automatically, we recommend the Config Migration tool. The Config Migration tool is an executable application designed to process JSON files located in a specific directory. Its primary purpose is to remove all occurrences of "clientProperties" from the JSON files and generate updated JSON files without this field. The executable application "config-migration.exe" can be downloaded via the download page under config-migration.

The application can be executed in two ways:

  1. By specifying a path to the target folder in which the json files are located. In this folder all json files (except schema.json) are read and revised accordingly.
    $ config-migration.exe /path/to/json/files
  2. Without specifying a path. The application can be placed in the target folder and simply executed without specifying a path.
    $ ./config-migration.exe 
    Or by double-clicking on the file.

Note: Running the application may change the formatting of the JSON. Furthermore, the affected configurations should be checked for correctness after execution.