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The app is fully customisable with customize.css. How to save the customize.css is described in static-content. The customize.css can manage your own CSS classes, but also a number of predefined CSS variables to customise the app in general. The app also supports a light and a dark mode.

The colours must be defined like RGB. A number for red, green and blue, separated by a comma.


:root {
    /* working code */
    --custom-background-color: 255, 255, 255;

    /* not working code */
    --custom-background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

Overview of all variables

Light Mode Dark mode Part of styling Units
--custom-background-color --custom-dark-background-color Backgroundcolor of app R, G, B
--custom-card-background-color --custom-dark-card-background-color Backgroundcolor of cards R, G, B
--custom-text-color --custom-dark-text-color Text color of app R, G, B
--custom-toolbar-background-color --custom-dark-toolbar-background-color Backgroundcolor of toolbar (top and bottom) R, G, B
--custom-toolbar-text-color --custom-dark-toolbar-text-color Text color of toolbar (top and bottom) R, G, B
--custom-action-background-color --custom-dark-action-background-color Backgroundcolor of action buttons R, G, B
--custom-action-background-color-activated --custom-dark-action-background-color-activated Backgroundcolor of action buttons, if clicked R, G, B
--custom-action-text-color --custom-dark-action-text-color Text color of action buttons R, G, B
--custom-login-background-color-top --custom-dark-login-background-color-top Top area color of loginscreen R, G, B
--custom-login-background-color-center --custom-dark-login-background-color-center Middle area color of loginscreen R, G, B
--custom-login-background-color-bottom --custom-dark-login-background-color-bottom Bottom area color of loginscreen R, G, B
--custom-success-color --custom-dark-success-color Success color R, G, B
--custom-success-text-color --custom-dark-success-text-color Success text color R, G, B
--custom-warning-color --custom-dark-warning-color Warning color R, G, B
--custom-warning-text-color --custom-dark-warning-text-color Warning text color R, G, B
--custom-danger-color --custom-dark-danger-color Danger color R, G, B
--custom-danger-text-color --custom-dark-danger-text-color Danger text color R, G, B
--custom-reqiured-color --custom-dark-reqiured-color Text color of requiered attributes R, G, B

Font size

CSS variables Part of styling Units
--custom-font-size-basis General font size px
--custom-card-font-size Font size of cards em
--custom-card-title-font-size Font size of cards header em
--custom-toolbar-font-size Font-size of toolbar (top and bottom) em
--custom-action-button-font-size Font size of action buttons em

Predefined colors

css variables Declaration in config Units
--red color-red HEX, rgb, hsl
--green color-green HEX, rgb, hsl
--yellow color-yellow HEX, rgb, hsl
--blue color-blue HEX, rgb, hsl
--white color-white HEX, rgb, hsl
--black color-black HEX, rgb, hsl
--orange color-orange HEX, rgb, hsl
--purple color-purple HEX, rgb, hsl
--lightRed color-lightRed HEX, rgb, hsl
--lightYellow color-lightYellow HEX, rgb, hsl
--lightGreen color-lightGreen HEX, rgb, hsl
--lightBlue color-lightBlue HEX, rgb, hsl
--lightOrange color-lightOrange HEX, rgb, hsl
--lightPurple color-lightPurple HEX, rgb, hsl


root: {
    /* light mode */
    --custom-background-color: 255, 255, 255;
    --custom-card-background-color: 249, 250, 250;
    --custom-text-color: 84, 84, 83;
    --custom-toolbar-background-color: 255, 255, 255;
    --custom-toolbar-text-color: 84, 84, 83;
    --custom-action-background-color: 211, 77, 39;
    --custom-action-background-color-activated: 117, 113, 110;
    --custom-action-text-color: 255, 255, 255;
    --custom-login-background-color-top: 211, 77, 39;
    --custom-login-background-color-center: 117, 113, 110;
    --custom-login-background-color-bottom: 255, 255, 255;
    --custom-success-color: 45, 211, 111;
    --custom-success-text-color: 0, 0, 0;
    --custom-warning-color: 255, 196, 9;
    --custom-warning-text-color: 0, 0, 0;
    --custom-danger-color: 235, 68, 90;
    --custom-danger-text-color: 255, 255, 255;
    --custom-reqiured-color: 211, 77, 39;

    /* dark mode */
    --custom-dark-background-color: 0, 0, 0;
    --custom-dark-card-background-color: 48, 51, 46;
    --custom-dark-text-color: 204, 204, 204;
    --custom-dark-toolbar-background-color: 92, 92, 92;
    --custom-dark-toolbar-text-color: 255, 255, 255;
    --custom-dark-action-background-color: 20, 189, 255;
    --custom-dark-action-background-color-activated: 15, 141, 191;
    --custom-dark-action-text-color: 0, 0, 0;
    --custom-dark-login-background-color-top: 20, 189, 255;
    --custom-dark-login-background-color-center: 92, 92, 92;
    --custom-dark-login-background-color-bottom: 0, 0, 0;
    --custom-dark-success-color: 45, 211, 111;
    --custom-dark-success-text-color: 0, 0, 0;
    --custom-dark-warning-color: 255, 196, 9;
    --custom-dark-warning-text-color: 0, 0, 0;
    --custom-dark-danger-color: 235, 68, 90;
    --custom-dark-danger-text-color: 255, 255, 255;
    --custom-dark-reqiured-color: 20, 189, 255;

    /* font size */
    --custom-font-size-basis: 16px;
    --custom-card-font-size: 1em;
    --custom-card-title-font-size: 1.65em;
    --custom-toolbar-font-size: 1em;
    --custom-action-button-font-size: 1em;

    /* predefined colors */
    --red: red;
    --yellow: #ffbf03;
    --green: hsl(120, 100%, 25%);
    --blue: blue;
    --white: rgb(255,255,255);
    --black: black;
    --orange: #ff6501;
    --purple: #9501ff;
    --lightRed: #ffb4b4;
    --lightYellow: #ffe9a7;
    --lightGreen: #b3ecb3;
    --lightBlue: #b6d1ff;
    --lightOrange: #ffd991;
    --lightPurple: #e2b9ff;

Image/Placeholder Image in List

CSS variables Part of styling
--list-image-position Type of positioning
--list-image-left Horizontal position of an image container
--list-image-height Height of an image container
--list-image-width Width of an image container
--list-image-object-fit Resizing of the image
--list-image-placeholder-opacity Opacity of the placeholder
--list-image-placeholder-display Behavior of placeholder element
--list-image-placeholder-justify-content Alignment of placeholder in container
--list-image-placeholder-align-items Alignment of placeholder on cross axis
--list-image-placeholder-font-size Font size of placeholder


root: {
    /* image */
    --list-image-position: absolute;
    --list-image-left: 0;
    --list-image-height: 100%;
    --list-image-width: 40px;
    --list-image-object-fit: cover;

    /* placeholder */
    --list-image-placeholder-opacity: 0.3;
    --list-image-placeholder-display: flex;
    --list-image-placeholder-justify-content: left;
    --list-image-placeholder-align-items: center;
    --list-image-placeholder-font-size: 32px;