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Basic configuration

The wizard main configuration is at the root node and contains main information for the wizard.

allPagesAllowed allows to go to a other page before finishing the current page. Normally it goes straight from the first page to the last page boolean
complete define the behavior when saving and on the summary. See complete. object
description shows an attribute as title for the wizard. It is a reference to the attribute. For changes change the attribtue value. string
tooltip can also handle rich text and images (base64 formatted). It is displayed by a notification mark and triggers a popup. It is a reference to the attribute. For changes change the attribtue value. string
autoRefresh refreshs a tree automatically object
  • save handles what happend, if the inspection will be saved. For example changing the status to 'COMPLETE'. key is the name of the attribute and the value to be changed when saving
    • <attribute>: "<Value by completing>"
  • summary handles the UI of the summary at the end
    • compact if true, the summary will be only display the amount of answered, open and failured questions
"wizard": {
  "main": {
    "allPagesAllowed": true,
    "complete": {
      "save": {
      "summary": {
        "compact": true
    "description": {
    "tooltip": {
    "autoRefresh": {
      "fetchTree": "inspection-wizard-fetch",
      "dateFilterAttribute": "ENTEREDDATE",
      "filter": [
          "attribute": "RESULTNUM",
          "value": "${RESULTNUM}"

The wizard page config is at a children of the root node and contains the information about the page.

title shows the title of the page. It is a reference to the attribute. For changes change the attribtue value. string
tooltip can handle rich text and images (base64 formatted). It is displayed by a notification mark and triggers a popup. It is a reference to the attribute. It is a reference to the attribute. For changes change the attribtue value. string
"wizard": {
  "page": {
    "title": {
      "attribute": "DESCRIPTION"
    "tooltip": {

The wizard section configurations is a children of the root node

label shows the label of the section. It is a reference to the attribute. For changes change the attribtue value. string
tooltip can handle rich text and images (base64 formatted). It is displayed by a notification mark and triggers a popup. See tooltip. object
warnIcon displays a warning icon next to the label. See warnIcon. object
number defines the number of the section string / number
image no maximo standard. Can handle an rich text image (base64 formatted). Displayes between label and the values of the section string
  • existsAttribute checks if a tooltip exists
  • sideLoad to reduce the traffic and get a better performance. The tooltip will be loaded by clicking
    • attribute is a refenrence to the attribute
    • fetchTree defines the extra tree
    • fetchNode defines the node
  • attribute as attribute reference
  • mapping is an object and the keys are the different types
    • icon the icon to be displayed
    • color of the icon. Click here for the available colors (optional)
"wizard": {
  "section": {
    "label": {
    "tooltip": {
        "existsAttribute": "HASLD",
        "sideLoad": {
            "attribute": "DESCRIPTION_LONGDESCRIPTION",
            "fetchTree": "insp-big-data",
            "fetchNode": "quest"
    "warnIcon": {
      "attribute": "TYPE",
      "attribute": "INSPFIELD/FIELDTYPE",
      "mapping": {
        "TR": {
          "color": "color-red",
          "icon": "icon-ghost"
        "SE": {
          "color": "color-yellow",
          "icon": "icon-rocket"
    "number": {
        "attribute": "GROUPSEQ"

The wizard value configuration is a children of the root node and they contains

attributeIdent need to be set to identify the value. requires an attribute reference in attribute object
pageMatch need the groupId to match the values and the pages. requires an attribute in GROUPID object
sectionMatch need the groupId to match the values and the pages. requires an attribute in INSPQUESTIONNUM object
value of the input. See value object
type of the value. See type object
widget is a functionality of insight and optimized the view of the value. See widget For more information check widgets object
required is a value required. Requires an attribute reference in attribute object
label of the value. See label object
tooltip can handle rich text and images (base64 formatted). It is displayed by a notification mark and triggers a popup. See tooltip. object
labelBeside if true, the label is displayed inline next to the input. See labelBeside. object
labelBeside if true, the label is displayed inline next to the input. See labelBeside. object
warnIcon displays a warning icon next to the label. See warnIcon. object
multiValue Enable/ disable the multiselection of values. See multiValue. object
actionIcon Shows an icon next to the label. It triggers a menu action if clicked. See actionIcon. object
options TODO object
image no maximo standard. Can handle an rich text image (base64 formatted). Displayes between label and the values of the section. requires an attribute reference in attribute object
  • In attributes which attribute should interpreted as these. Insight can handle String, Decimal, Date and Boolean. See attributes for more information.
  • typeValue is for special attribute like time and date
"value": {
      "attributes": {
        "String": "TXTRESPONSE",
        "Decimal": "NUMRESPONSE",
        "Date": "DATERESPONSE",
        "Boolean": "boolValue"
      "typeValue": {
        "TO": "TIMERESPONSE",
        "DT": {
          "date": "DATERESPONSE",
          "time": "TIMERESPONSE"
  • requires an attribute reference in attribute
  • the assignment in the mapping refers to the different values of the referenced attributes
  • js for special characters
"type": {
    "attribute": "INSPFIELD/FIELDTYPE",
    "mapping": {
      "String": [
      "Decimal": [
      "Date": [
      "Boolean": "boolean",
      "FileUpload": "FU"
    "js": "if(['METER/METERTYPE'] == 'CHARACTERISTIC'){return 'String'}"
  • requires an attribute reference in attribute
  • the assignment in the mapping refers to the different values of the referenced attributes
  • js for special characters
"widget": {
  "attribute": "INSPFIELD/FIELDTYPE",
  "mapping": {
    "htmlInput:time": "TO",
    "Datetime": "DT",
    "InlineSelect": [
  "js": "if(['INSPFIELD/FIELDTYPE'] == 'MOD'){return 'SelectList'}"
  • requires an attribute reference in attribute
  • With additional additional information such as meter name, meter type or meter description etc. can be added
  "label": {
    "attribute": "INSPFIELD/DESCRIPTION",
    "additional": [
  • existsAttribute checks if a tooltip exists
  • sideLoad to reduce the traffic and get a better performance. The tooltip will be loaded by clicking
    • attribute is a refenrence to the attribute
    • fetchTree defines the extra tree
    • fetchNode defines the node
  "tooltip": {
    "existsAttribute": "HASLD",
    "sideLoad": {
        "fetchTree": "insp-big-data",
        "fetchNode": "quest"
  • requires an attribute reference in attribute
  • enabled is an array of strings. If a string is matches the value of the attribute, the label is switched automatically
  • labelWidth can set the width of the label. Reduces the input. By default the label is 30% (optional)
  "labelBeside": {
    "attribute": "INSPFIELD/DESCRIPTION",
    "enabled": [
    "labelWidth": "70%"
  • attribute as attribute reference
  • mapping is an object and the keys are the different types
    • icon the icon to be displayed
    • color of the icon. Click here for the available colors (optional)
  "warnIcon": {
    "attribute": "INSPFIELD/FIELDTYPE",
    "mapping": {
      "TR": {
        "color": "color-red",
        "icon": "icon-ghost"
      "SE": {
        "color": "color-yellow",
        "icon": "icon-rocket"
      "DT": {
        "icon": "icon-cactus"
      "SO": {
        "color": "color-light-blue",
        "icon": "icon-umbrella"
  • attribute as attribute reference
  • enabled is an array of strings. Enabled the multislection if a string is matches the value of the attribute.
  "multiValue": {
    "attribute": "INSPFIELD/FIELDTYPE",
    "enabled": [
  • menus define a menu to be execute. See menus
  • js it is possible to switch between two or more menus
  • visible like menus visible. See menus visible
  "actionIcon": {
    "js": "if(['METER/METERTYPE'] == 'CONTINUOUS'){ executeMenu(0); }else{ executeMenu(1); }",
    "menus": [
        "action": "listDialog",
        "actionValues": [
            "tree": "meterreading",
            "filter": [
                "attribute": "METERNAME",
                "value": "${METERNAME}"
        "action": "listDialog",
        "actionValues": [
            "tree": "measurement",
            "filter": [
                "attribute": "METERNAME",
                "value": "${METERNAME}"
"wizard": {
  "value": {
    "attributeIdent": {
      "attribute": "INSPFIELDRESULTID"
    "pageMatch": {
    "sectionMatch": {
    "type": {
      "attribute": "INSPFIELD/FIELDTYPE",
      "mapping": {
        "String": [
        "Decimal": [
        "Date": [
        "Boolean": "boolean",
        "FileUpload": "FU"
      "js": "if(['METER/METERTYPE'] == 'CHARACTERISTIC'){return 'String'}"
    "value": {
      "attributes": {
        "String": "TXTRESPONSE",
        "Decimal": "NUMRESPONSE",
        "Date": "DATERESPONSE",
        "Boolean": "boolValue"
      "typeValue": {
        "TO": "TIMERESPONSE",
        "DT": {
          "date": "DATERESPONSE",
          "time": "TIMERESPONSE"
    "required": {
      "attribute": "INSPFIELD/REQUIRED"
    "label": {
      "attribute": "INSPFIELD/DESCRIPTION",
      "additional": [
    "widget": {
      "attribute": "INSPFIELD/FIELDTYPE",
      "mapping": {
        "htmlInput:time": "TO",
        "Datetime": "DT",
        "InlineSelect": [
      "js": "if(['INSPFIELD/FIELDTYPE'] == 'MOD'){return 'SelectList'}"
    "tooltip": {
    "labelBeside": {
      "attribute": "INSPFIELD/FIELDTYPE",
      "enabled": [
      "labelWidth": "70%"
    "image": {
    "warnIcon": {
      "attribute": "INSPFIELD/FIELDTYPE",
      "mapping": {
        "TR": {
          "color": "color-red",
          "icon": "icon-ghost"
        "SE": {
          "color": "color-yellow",
          "icon": "icon-rocket"
        "DT": {
          "icon": "icon-cactus"
        "SO": {
          "color": "color-light-blue",
          "icon": "icon-umbrella"
    "multiValue": {
      "attribute": "INSPFIELD/FIELDTYPE",
      "enabled": [
    "options": {
      "mapping": {
        "SO": {
          "info": "INSPECTORFEEDBACK",
          "color": "COLOR"
        "SOD": {
          "hint": "${MAXDOMAIN/DOMAINTYPE};VALUE"
        "MO": {
          "info": "INSPECTORFEEDBACK",
          "color": "COLOR"
        "MOD": {
          "hint": "${MAXDOMAIN/DOMAINTYPE};VALUE"
        "MM": {
          "hint": "${MAXDOMAIN/DOMAINTYPE};VALUE"
    "actionIcon": {
      "js": "if(['METER/METERTYPE'] == 'CONTINUOUS'){ executeMenu(0); }else{ executeMenu(1); }",
      "menus": [
          "action": "listDialog",
          "actionValues": [
              "tree": "meterreading",
              "filter": [
                  "attribute": "METERNAME",
                  "value": "${METERNAME}"
          "action": "listDialog",
          "actionValues": [
              "tree": "measurement",
              "filter": [
                  "attribute": "METERNAME",
                  "value": "${METERNAME}"
      "visible": {
        "js": "return !!"
    "readonly": {
      "js": "return ? true : false;"


Error and warning conditions

Wizards support error conditions, meaning a value is seen as invalid, as long as it does not pass the condition, blocking the ability to save the current record. To create an error condition, use the following notation:

    "name": "myNodeConfig",
    "icon": "icon-clock",
    "label": "${myLabelAttribute}",
    "wizard": {
        "value": {
            "error": [
                    "threshold": {
                        "attribute": "NUMBER1"
                    "operator": {
                        "attribute": "OPERATOR1"
                    "message": {
                        "attribute": "ERRORMESSAGE"

Please note that error and warnings need to be configured as children of the value nodeConfig.

Error conditions support basic mathematical conditions which are taken from the configured operator attribute and compared to the configured threshold attribute. To show custom error messages, configure a message attribute. Otherwise, default error messages are shown. Supported conditions are:

  • >
  • <
  • >=
  • <=
  • =
  • !=

Warning conditions act the same, but do not block the ability to save. Example:

    "name": "myNodeConfig",
    "icon": "icon-clock",
    "label": "${myLabelAttribute}",
    "wizard": {
        "value": {
            "warning": [
                    "threshold": {
                        "attribute": "NUMBER1"
                    "operator": {
                        "attribute": "OPERATOR1"
                    "message": {
                        "attribute": "WARNINGMESSAGE"

You can also invert the condition by using the inverted flag. This will flip the logic applied and create a success message, if the condition is met, instead of creating an error when the condition is not met. Example:

    "name": "myNodeConfig",
    "icon": "icon-clock",
    "label": "${myLabelAttribute}",
    "wizard": {
        "value": {
            "warning": [
                    "inverted": true,
                    "threshold": {
                        "attribute": "NUMBER1"
                    "operator": {
                        "attribute": "OPERATOR1"
                    "message": {
                        "attribute": "WARNINGMESSAGE"


Wizards support mathematical formulas. When configuring a formula, the resulting value will be written to the attribute value. Formulas support the typical operators as well as basic functions and referencing the values of other fields.

Supported Operators: + - * /

Supported functions: SUM() MIN() MAX() AVG()

If you want to configure a formula, you need to tell from which attribute to retrieve the to-be-calculated-formula as well as how to interprete the idents with which to reference other fields in the same wizard. Example:

    "name": "myNodeConfig",
    "icon": "icon-clock",
    "label": "${myLabelAttribute}",
    "wizard": {
        "value": {
            "formula": {
                "attribute": "REF1SE + MIN(1, 5)",
                "ident": "REF${sequence}${fieldType}"


  • Make sure that no special characters exist in the ident to reference other fields. A field reference cannot start with a number.
  • As a rule of thumb, make sure that all fields that contribute to the formula being calculated are visible to the user.

Formulas also support Date and Time based calculations. For these calculations to work, a few rules exist. Date and Time calculations cannot be mixed with each other or with numbers. Only subtraction is supported as addition, multiplication, division or any of the mentioned functions above would produce nonsensical results.


  • 2020-01-31 - 2020-01-30: This is valid and would produce 1 as a result
  • 10:00 - 8:30: This is valid and would produce 1.5 as a result
  • 2020-01-31 + 2020-01-30: This is not valid
  • 2020-01-31 / 2020-01-30: This is not valid
  • 2020-01-31 * 2020-01-30: This is not valid
  • MIN(2020-01-31, 2020-01-30): This is not valid
  • MAX(2020-01-31, 2020-01-30): This is not valid
  • SUM(2020-01-31, 2020-01-30): This is not valid
  • AVG(2020-01-31, 2020-01-30): This is not valid
  • 2020-01-31 - 1: This is not valid
  • 10:30 - 1: This is not valid
  • 2020-01-31 - 10:30: This is not valid