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Please make sure you have a current backup of your Maximo Database as changes will be made to it.

Check with updatedb

Before changing the installation please run updatedb.bat to check the health of installation. Updatedb.bat must not finish with error or exception.

  • Stop the MXServer in your application server

  • Enter to directory:

    > C:\IBM\SMP\maximo\tools\maximo\

Execute: updatedb.bat

Extract files

Extract to C:\IBM\SMP\maximo

REST Session Timeout

Increase the Session-Timeout of the Maximo REST-API from 3 minutes (default) to at least 30 minutes. Web and mobile clients will need to relogin after being inactive for that amount of time.

Edit SMP/maximo/applications/maximo/maxrestweb/webmodule/WEB-INF/web.xml:

Find the following line:


New setting, in minutes:


Optional: In Maximo, session cookies have no expire date. This causes new logins after each app restart. On iOS and Android, the app is closed when it is too long in the background. This can be fixed when all cookies have got a expiery date. The JSESSIONID can be configured in the Websphere admin console:

Go to Servers -> Server Types -> WebSphere Application Servers -> MXServer -> Container Settings -> Session management-> Enable Cookies, check the box and click on the link.

On the opened site the cookie lifetime can be configured in seconds. Use a high value to be logged in as long as the maximo session is valid. The server checks the session anyway.

insight/web and Maximo UI Login

Since Maximo 7.6.1.x property mxe.webclient.allowUrlLogin is set to 0 by default.

If your Maximo system is configured without LDAP-Authentication:

  • set mxe.webclient.allowUrlLogin to 1 in your Maximo System Properties
  • disable skipping Maximo Ui-Login
    • set skipMaximoUiLogin=false in config.json

See also

There is nothing to do for Maximo 7.6.0.x

Update Maximo system properties and database objects

Please run updatedb.bat for integrating insight into maximo

  • Stop the MXServer in your application server

  • Enter to directory:

    > C:\IBM\SMP\maximo\tools\maximo\

Execute: updatedb.bat

Build & Deploy

Work in Progress

Execute the all steps to build and deploy Maximo into your application server. Start the application afterwards and make sure it is running as expected.


Only on Maximo 7.5 set the following property in the system-properties of maximo:

  • webclient.useabsoluteimagepath: true

Registering Insight OSLC Route

Insight OSLC Route must be configured.