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Breaking Changes

  • Insight-Connector must be deployed for Maximo because of incompatible changes from version 33 to 34. Please see compatibility-matrix Insight-Connector relies on OSLC and does not work with REST anymore. Please make sure that OSLC-Routing is configured for Maximo-Backend.

  • With Version v34 the default of incremental changes for downloads changed because most treeConfigs do not use this feature. Now it must be configured explicitly if this feature is necessary for a treeConfig. Please see Incorporating incremental changes

  • Insight Tables do not listen to a list configuration anymore. Use table to configure a table instead. See documentation for examples.

  • The "Duration" widget has been newly implemented and must be adapted in existing configurations. The previous "Duration" widget is still available, but has been renamed "TextDuration". Duration.

    • Migration:
    • If you want to continue using the previous widget, you must replace "widget": "Duration" with "widget": "TextDuration".
    • If you want to use the new widget, you may need to change the unit. By default, the new "Duration" widget saves the data as hours in decimal. This can be adjusted by setting "duration": {"unit": "minutes"} on the attribute.

Updates middleware components:

  • JDK 11.0.24+8
  • Wildfly 34.0.1-Final

    • default configuration has been enhanced for better performance
      • JBOSS_JAVA_SIZING="-Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:MetaspaceSize=96M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m"
      • default worker: io-threads: 8 task-max-threads: 128
  • Container installation now supports scalable service containers, details in Installation/Containers


  • Remove insight property gateway.loglevel and use environment variable INSIGHT_LOGLEVEL_GATEWAY
    • The default log level is INFO
  • New menu action createMulti: The action createMulti can be used to create multiple data records. The basic data records are selected beforehand and converted into new ones. The new data records can be adjusted before saving.
  • For convenience exists a new default schedule.nightly=every day; at 01:00 for download-schedules. You can override this value in if necessary. see
  • Insight Planning for Maximo backend. Allow Insight Planning for non-hybrid Maximo installations.
  • Implement column filtering for tables (Maximo backend).
  • Implement column sorting for tables (Maximo backend).