Configuration for changes in insight databases¶
To create and change tables in insight-databases (insightdb,tmpdb,schemadb) environment variable INSIGHT_HIBERNATE_HBM2DDL_AUTO for hibernate must be set in standalone.conf.bat
if insight-databases are empty (i.e. installing insight for first time) you must set
so that all tables are created automatically during start of wildlfly. Existing db-object like tables will be deleted and created again, so content of tables will be lost.
if insight is updated you must set
so adding new tables and new columns to existing tables in insight-dabases is possible. Content of tables will be preserved.
After creating or updating all tables in insight-databases successfully you must set safety mode:
so no more DDL-Commands (changing, creating, deleting tables) are possible.
It is necessary to activate replacement of env-variables in standalone.xml