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Attach user roles to configurations. Access is granted only to security roles listed in the roles Property.

    "name": "locations",
    "roles": ["MAXEVERYONE"],

You can bypass authorization by special role SKIP-AUTHORIZATION.

Trees can be set to non-editable via rolesReadonly. For this feature, the insight-userprofile.json must contain an attribute with "roles" label. The node of the attribute must list all roles of the user. Examples below:

!!! rolesReadonly is currently only a client feature and there is no server side check yet. !!!

    "roles": ["planner", "viewer"],
    "rolesReadonly": ["viewer"],

User has: viewer -> Readonly = true

    "roles": ["planner", "viewer"],
    "rolesReadonly": ["viewer"],

User has: worker, viewer -> Readonly = true

          "roles": ["planner", "viewer"],
          "rolesReadonly": ["viewer"],

User has: planner -> Readonly = false

    "roles": ["planner", "viewer"],
    "rolesReadonly": ["viewer"],

User has: planner, viewer -> Readonly = false

Example: insight-userprofile.json

"children": [
        "name": "roles",
        "title": "Roles",
        "label": "${name}",
        "type": "USER_ROLE",
        "query": {
            "constraint": "user = ${login}"
        "attributes": [
                "name": "name",
                "label": "roles",
                "readonly": true