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General Client Configuration

The insight-mobile and -web applications can be configured with the Client Configuration. Example content:


    "name": "My Insight"

If no further settings are needed, only the eamType needs to be set, not even the server.

Insight API-URL :|web)/config.json

    "eamType": "maximo"

Insight Mobile app server:

Multiple installations on one server

If there are multiple installations on one server, we recommend the following way.

Insight API-URL :|web)/confg.json

    "eamType": "maximo"

Insight Mobile app server:

The server setting must be set on the path before /insight/.

Insight API-URL:

    "eamType": "maximo",
    "server": ""

Insight Mobile app server:

EAM types



    "eamType": "maximo"



    "eamType": "open"

Database, HxGN/Hexagon and SAP


    "eamType": "standalone"


| Parameter | Values | Standard | Description | Mobile | Web | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------ | --- | -------- | | server | config.json: | config.json: the host without 'insight/(mobile|web)/config.json' | It is not recommended to change the default URL. The server base URL to the Insight-Endpoints. Normally the host of the HTTP-Server. Only needs to be set if the standard URL is not used.|web)/config.json | + | + | | eamType | "maximo", open" | "maximo" | The EAM-Type to connect to. | + | + | | eamUrl | "" | <server>/insight/eam | Divergent-"/insight/eam"-Endpoints. Only needed if insight is not behind HTTP-Server. | + | + | | downloadUrl | "" | <server>/insight/download | Divergent-"/insight/download"-Endpoints. Only needed if insight is not behind HTTP-Server. | + | + | | heartbeatUrl | "" | <server>/insight/user/data | Divergent-Heartbeat-Endpoint. Only needed if insight is not behind HTTP-Server or you dont want a heartbeat to the EAM-Backend | + | + | | maximoRestApp | "/maximo" | "/maxrest" | MAXIMO ONLY: If the "/maxrest"-Endpoint of Maximo can't be used. | + | + | | autoSync | true, false | true | Automatically upload and download of data records | + | | | appParams | { "key": "value", "key2": "value2" } | no default | Can be used in replacements: Working with variables/ | + | + | | disableOfflineSupport | true, false | false | Offline-data-records can be disabled. For example: insight-mobile in browser but without offline support. | + | | | downloadInterval | any positive number | 15 | Download interval in minutes. How often the data records are downloaded. | + | | | downloadValidateInterval | any positive number | 1 | Download validate interval in minutes. How often the client asks the server for new downloads/deltas. | + | | | downloadOnOnline | true, false | false | Downloads data records when online. Normally used for "mostly-offlinedevices" (Dockingstation) | + | | | websocketNotification | true, false | false | insight-web can be notified for data changes by websocket. | | + | | portalMode | true, false | false | No login screen, the host application must trigger the login. | | + | | notificationWebsocketUrl | "" | Not Maximo: <server>:8080/insightindexer/notification

Maximo: <server>:8080/insight-indexer/notification | Normally used if the HTTP-Server don't support WebSocket-Proxy. (IBM-HTTP-Server don't support WebSocket-Proxy) | | + | | searchServer | "" | <server>/insight/search | Divergent-Elasticsearch-Endpoint. Only needed if insight is not behind HTTP-Server | + | + | | disableSettings | true, false | false | Hides the insight-mobile menu item "Settings" | + | | | disableXRay | true, false | false | Hides the insight-mobile menu item "XRay" | + | | | pushnotification | true, false | false | Enables support of PushNotifications to the insight-mobile-app | + | | | offlineTimeout | 180 | no timeout | Logout after interval of inactivity in minutes | + | | | startPage | Examples:



"tree/workorderquickrep" | no default | Page to be shown after login. | + | | | admin | true, false | false | Admins can login if someone else has unsynced, offline changes. There are also two buttons to reset the app on the login screen. | + | | | heartbeatOnNetwork | true, false | 5 | Heartbeat is only executed when the client has network. The online and offline events are used by the browser, which do not work so reliably on all platforms and are therefore not used as a standard. | + | | | heartbeatInterval | Heartbeat off: 0 or -1

Heartbeat on: any positive number | 5 | Heartbeat interval in seconds | + | | | clientLogging | true, false | false | Tracks logs in the client. There is a new menu item for the logs. | + | | | clientLogSize | any positive number | 100 | Amount of queued client logs | + | | | name | any string | no default | For Example: server-, system-, or projectname. Will be visible on: information popup; mobile server config header; mobile menu header; mobile login header | + | + | | disableOffline | true, false | false | Hides the insight-mobile menu item "Offline" | + | | | fingerprint | true, false | false | Enables iOS TouchId/FaceId authentication | + | | | barcodeOptions | { "key" : "value" } | no default | Configuration for the native app barcode scanner plugin (Android, iOS). All parameters are given to the plugin. See: | + | | | disableBarcode | true, false | false | Hides all barcode icons | + | | | maxDocuments | any positive number | 100 | Max file download count per tree config. | + | | | legacyToolbar | true, false | false | Switch to the multi line behavior of the toolbar in mobile | + | | | showUserInHeader | true, false | false | Shows the logged in user on the top of each page | + | | | heartbeatTimeout | any positive number | 5000 | Heartbeat request timeout in milliseconds | + | + | | searchPattern | "startsWith", "endsWith", "contains" | no default | see here | | + | + | | listTextOverflow | "ellipsis" | no default | | + | | | selectFromTreeEnabled | true, false | false | Activate manual inputs on all "selectFromTree"-attributes. | + | + | | navbar | {size: 'small'}, {size: 'big'} | {size:'small'} | Changes the size of the navbar | + | | | searchDelay | any positive number | 100 | Delay time in ms after which any search or filter action is triggered | + | + | | newOfflineAtEnd | true, false | false | New offline created records are shown at the end of the root list. | + | | | changedOfflineAtEnd | true, false | false | Offline changed records are shown at the end of the root list. | + | | | footerButtons | true, false | false | Displays the save and cancel button in an always visible footer | + | | | skipMaximoUiLogin | true, false | true | Reenable Maximo-Ui-Login, not needed with LDAP/appServerSecurity=1 authentication. If switched to false make sure to also set mxe.webclient.allowUrlLogin as 1 in Maximo 7.6.1+. See details here | | | | barcodeCameraDisabled | ["TC8000","MYDEVICE"] | no default | Use the barcode scanner hardware for specific device models. For Insight Electron use "insight-electron" | + | | | configTimeout | any positive number | 30000 | Timout to load all tree configurations in milliseconds | + | + | | showOfflineAnnotation | true, false | false | Shows the offline downloaded annotation on each record. | + | | | disableDefault | true, false | false | Suppresses the creation of a Start-Center tab when working with Maximo | - | + | | disableMaximoUi | true, false | false | Completly disable the integration of the Maximo User-Interface, sets disableDefaultTab=true when enabled | | + | | enableNfc | true, false | false | Shows the nfc icon on the search field. | + | | | barcodeIcon | icon class string | no default | Overrides the default barcode icon. | + | | | disableExpertSearch | true, false | true | Removes the Expert-Search option in webclient | | + | **** | | toolbar.maxActions | positive number | 5 | amount of actions in a tree toolbar, search and sort included | | + | **** | | eulaURL | URL or empty to hide |${MajorVersion}/license/ | Full qualified URL to customers EULA | + | + | **** | | legalNoticeURL | URL or empty to hide | | Full qualified URL to customers legal notice | + | + | **** | | privacyPolicyURL | URL or empty to hide |${MajorVersion}/privacy/ | Full qualified URL to customers privacy policy | + | + | **** | | informationURL | URL or empty to hide | | Full qualified URL to customers privacy policy | + | + | **** |