Release date: October 2023
Breaking Changes¶
- insight.properties in database arent supported anymore. Please follow the instructions otherwise insight won't work properly anymore!!!
- hibernate_sequence must be migrated. Please follow the instructions otherwise duplicate-key-errors could arise when storing data in tables AuditLogin,BlobStorage,BlockingPattern,ExpertSearch.
- For security reasons we have updated Electron. Due to the update it is only possible to use Electron 31 with UI version 31.
- Inline-Attributes can be used for backend searches with maximo searches "Backend search"
- Grid can be used for a responsive design of sections and attributes
- The new guided form of create is flow
- The new Insight Mobile Client can be set to the customer's CI. Find more information under Static-Content, customize.css and Logo
- The new Insight Client has a new way to organize the buckets called "bucketCompact"
- To support roles for maximo/hybrid installations roles from maximo can be replicated to insight replicate roles
- validation and attributeControl had a translate function