Standard-Middleware-Update means updating runtime compontens like JEE-Server, ELK-Stack (Elastic,Kibana,Logstash), ... The standard-middleware-update only has to be done if it is mentioned explicit for a major-release (i.e. V15 and V24) and in general it is not necessary updating the middleware-components for a minor or patch-release.
1. Stop and uninstall all insight-services¶
elasticsearch\bin\elasticsearch-service.bat remove
kibana\bin\service.bat uninstall
logstash\bin\insight-logstash-service.bat uninstall
monitoring\insight-status-service.bat uninstall
wildfly\bin\service\service.bat uninstall
stop service
2. create new folder for new middleware¶
- Rename existing "insight" folder to insight-old
- Create new folder "insight"
- download new middleware-components from links mentioned here
- rename subfolders like subfolders in insight-middleware-config-
.zip - Unzip insight-middleware-config-
.zip to folder "insight"
3. Adjustments:¶
- Edit insight\elasticsearch\config\jvm.options and adjust values of "-Xms" and "-Xmx" to the values of insight-old\elaticsearch\config\jvm.options
- Copy insight\logstash\config\insight-logging-ES7-example.conf to insight\logstash\config\insight-logging.conf
- Edit insight-logging.conf and adjust filepaths to logfiles i.e. wildfly etc (see old insight-logging.conf)
- Copy kibana\config\kibana-ES7.yml to kibana.yml
- Copy kibana\bin\service-ES7.bat to service.bat
- Edit insight\monitoring\insight-status.bat and adjust JAVA: Use absoute path to JAVA
wildfly (only if used)¶
- Copy folder wildfly\docs\contrib\scripts\service to wildfly\bin
- Copy insight-old\wildfly\standalone\configuration\ to insight\wildfly\standalone\configuration\
- Copy all subfolders if exist from insight-old\wildfly\standalone\configuration\insight to insight\wildfly\standalone\configuration\insight
- check insight-old\wildfly\bin\ standalone.conf.bat and copy additional entries to insigh\wildfly\bin\standalone.conf.bat i.e. EAM_URL
- extract insight-middleware-config-
.zip - copy from extracted folder wildfly\standalone\configuration\standalone_
.xml to wildfly\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml - Edit insight\wildfly\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml and copy all relevant entries from old standalone.xml to the new one:
- Delete all lines between \<datasources\> and \</datasources\> in insight\wildfly\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml and copy all lines between \<datasources\> and \</datasources\> from insight-old\wildfly\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml to insight\wildfly\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml
- Check and copy database driver:
- if you use MSSQL-Server: please copy wildfly\modules\system\layers\base\com\microsoft\main from insight-old to insight
- if you use MariaDB/MySQL: please copy wildfly\modules\system\layers\base\com\mysql\driver\main from insight-old to insight
- Copy "\<system-properties\>" sections if exists
- Copy additional logging-properties if exists (i.e. INSIGHTGATEWAY, SAP, etc)
- Copy "security-domain" entries if exists to node \<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:security:2.0"\>
- Check properties for SSL , see also SSL for JEE-Container
Tomee (only if used)¶
- copy insight-old\tomee\conf\ to insight\tomee\conf\
- copy all subfolders if exist from insight-old\tomee\conf\insight to insight\tomee\conf\insight
- copy insight-old\tomee\conf\tomee.xml to insight\tomee\conf\tomee.xml
- check properties for SSL , see also SSL for JEE-Container
- check database-drivers in tomee/lib
4. install and start all insight-services¶
5. RebuildAll Indices¶
- http://localhost:8080/insight-indexer-new
6. Import Monitoring-Dashbards¶
- see also [Monitoring](../../4_monitoring/overview/