Changing Default-Port¶
The default ports of Kibana is 5601 and can be changed as described here.
For example we change Port 5601 to 15601:
Edit insight\kibana\config\kibana.yml and change the following property
server.port: 15601
Edit httpd\conf\insight.conf
<Location "/insight/kibana"> ProxyPass http://localhost:15601 ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:15601 </Location>
Please restart the processes afterwards.
The default ports of ElasticSearch are 9200 and 9300 and can be changed as described here.
For example we change Port 9200 to 19200 and Port 9300 to 19300:
Edit insight\elasticsearch\config\elasticsearch.yml and change the following properties
http.port: 19200
transport.tcp.port: 19300 -
Edit insight\kibana\config\kibana.yml and change the following property
elasticsearch.url: "http://localhost:19200"
Edit insight\wildfly\standalone\configuration\ and change the following property
Please restart the processes afterwards.