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BasicAuth (Maximo)

Check WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\ctgAppSrv01\installedApps\ctgCell01\MAXIMO.ear\maxrestweb.war\WEB-INF\web.xml for entry auth-method.

If the entry in web.xml is active the property in x:\GIS\insight\wildfly\standalone\configuration\ must also be active. If the property in web.xml is deactivated then it must be also deactivated in

Insight Properties

  • Edit x:\GiS\Insight\Wildfly\standalone\configuration\

Common properties for all wildfly applications:

eam.type Maximo, OpenJet, SAP
eam.url <http://localhost:9080/maxrest/rest/insight]> (Maximo)

<http://<server>:<port>/insight-open/res> (OpenJet)

<http://localhost:8080/insight-sap-web/rest> (SAP)
URL to Insight-Rest
eam.username mxintadm Please do not use credentials with a colon
eam.password <Password> For encryption please see section "operating manual". Please do not use credentials with a colon
eam.auth-method BASIC If BASIC authentification is used
elastic.url http://localhost:9200 URL to Elastic Search

Properties specific to insight-indexer:

indexer.eam.bulksize 50 Fetching #Objects in one request. Optional (defaults to 50)
reldb.url http://localhost:8080/insight-reldb/rest URL to reldb in Wildfly
indexer.changereader Maximo(true), OpenJet(true), SAP(false) Read and process changes periodically
elastic.username If Elastic/XPACK is installed
elastic.password if Elastic/XPACK is installed. For encryption please see section "operating manual"
indexer.informationticker.delete-on-startup false Deletes Index informationticker during startup