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Configuration of database in wildfly / standalone.xml

Connection to database via JDBC with User/Password is a prerequisite. Configuration of MySql, MS-SQL or Oracle database for insightdb, tmpdb, reldb, and mapdb is similiar.

The following steps are necessary to change database to MS-SQL.

  1. Stop wildfly-process.
  2. For MS-SQL please download appropriate jdbc-driver and copy to x:\GIS\wildfly\modules\system\layers\base\com\microsoft\main.
  3. Edit x:\GIS\wildlfy\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml

    a) Adjust driver


    b) Adjust connection-url


    c) Adjust user/password

    d) Adjust driver-settings if necessary

  4. Start wildfly-process

Use of MySql or MariaDB

please check parameter max_allowed_packet.

    mysql> select @@max_allowed_packet;

The default value for max_allowed_packet is 4mb and too low for downloads. Please adjust this value to 256mb and restart Wildfly.

    mysql> set global max_allowed_packet=268435456;

Parameter can also be adjusted in Config-Files for mysql.

Use of oracle

Oracle is supported since Version 12c R2 because of name restriction to 30characters in former versions. You should download ojdbc.jar and put it into **x:\GIS\wildfly\modules\system\layers\base\com\oracle\main