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insert new mbo as additional event after loading an application

  • event, additionalevent, value loads application with created object and copies data (src dst) Insight Explorer
    "label": "Neuer IH-Bedarf",
    "action": "insert",
    "icon": "icon-warning",
    "actionValues": [
            "event": "loadapp",
            "additionalevent": "insert",
            "value": "SR",
            "inTab": "true",
            "node": "SRLOC"
            "src": "LOCATION",
            "dst": "LOCATION"
            "static": "IH Bedarf ${LOCATION}: ",
            "dst": "DESCRIPTION"


Insert open specified application with a new object. Context specific data can be passed via additional key value entries. Those can be accessed in the EventHandler.ON_ENTERED() method execution. EventHandler.getParam("FOO")

    "label": "Insert",
    "action": "insert",
    "icon": "icon-snow2",
    "actionValues": [
            "ga": "508:40393:BA",
            "FOO": "foo",
            "BAR": "bar"