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Displays a dependent record in another tree. If multiple records are appended, the first is used.

srcNode Node name of the record to link to
dstTree Tree to show the link, Tree to show in Explorer`
dstNode Node to show the link
create Show the node in create mode
listEdit Show the node in listEdit mode
list Show the node in list mode
path Show the path
params Only available at path. Parameters can be passed to the details view. Special parameters are headerLabel and headerLink. These two parameters can be used to control the header link of insight-mobile. Examples below.

All actionValues are available in Insight Mobile, actionValues marked with * are available in Insight Explorer.

list view

Go to the list view of tree asset-flat:

    "label": "Asset Öffnen",
    "action": "goto",
    "icon": "icon-bathtub",
    "actionValues": [
            "dstTree": "asset-flat"

node with first ID of child node

Go to the node asset of the tree asset-flat with the ID of the first child of node assetchild:

    "label": "Asset Öffnen",
    "action": "goto",
    "icon": "icon-bathtub",
    "actionValues": [
            "srcNode": "assetchild",
            "dstTree": "asset-flat",
            "dstNode": "asset"

node with current record ID

Go to the node asset of the tree asset-flat with the ID of the current record:

    "label": "Asset Öffnen",
    "action": "goto",
    "icon": "icon-bathtub",
    "actionValues": [
            "dstTree": "asset-flat",
            "dstNode": "asset"

create view of node

Go to the create view of node asset of the tree asset-flat:

    "label": "Asset Öffnen",
    "action": "goto",
    "icon": "icon-bathtub",
    "actionValues": [
            "create": true,
            "dstTree": "asset-flat",
            "dstNode": "asset"

listEdit view in current tree

Go to the listEdit view: In the current tree. On the node woactivity. With the records of the child node woactivity of the current record:

    "label": "Checklist",
    "action": "goto",
    "icon": "icon-bathtub",
    "actionValues": [
            "listEdit": true,
            "dstNode": "woactivity"

listEdit view in given tree

Go to the listEdit view: In the given tree. On the given node. With the records of the child node woactivity of the current record:

    "label": "Checklist",
    "action": "goto",
    "icon": "icon-bathtub",
    "actionValues": [
            "listEdit": true,
            "srcNode": "woactivity",
            "dstTree": "othertree",
            "dstNode": "workorder"

listView of given node in current tree

Go to the listView: In the current tree. On the node woactivity. With the records of the child node woactivity of the current record:

    "label": "Checklist",
    "action": "goto",
    "icon": "icon-bathtub",
    "actionValues": [
            "list": true,
            "dstNode": "woactivity"

listView in given tree

Go to the listView: In the given tree. On the given node. With the records of the child node woactivity of the current record:

    "label": "Checklist",
    "action": "goto",
    "icon": "icon-bathtub",
    "actionValues": [
            "list": true,
            "srcNode": "woactivity",
            "dstTree": "othertree",
            "dstNode": "workorder"

One step back

Go back:

    "label": "Back",
    "action": "goto",
    "icon": "icon-bathtub",
    "actionValues": [
            "back": 1

To given path

Go to specified path:

    "label": "Back",
    "action": "goto",
    "icon": "icon-bathtub",
    "actionValues": [
            "path": "${object.path}"
    "label": "Back",
    "action": "goto",
    "icon": "icon-bathtub",
    "actionValues": [
            "path": "tree/node/id"

Go with path, keep the header link and label:

    "label": "Go to documents",
    "action": "goto",
    "icon": "icon-bathtub",
    "actionValues": [
            "path": "${object.path}",
            "params": {
                "headerLabel": true,
                "headerLink": true

To given path with changed headerlabel

Go with path change the header label:

    "label": "Go to documents",
    "action": "goto",
    "icon": "icon-bathtub",
    "actionValues": [
            "path": "${object.path}",
            "params": {
                "headerLabel": "Documents of ${WONUM}",
                "headerLink": true

To given path with params

Go with path pass attribute values to details view:

    "label": "Go to details",
    "action": "goto",
    "icon": "icon-bathtub",
    "actionValues": [
            "path": "${object.path}",
            "params": {
                "TEXT": "${WONUM} ${DESCRIPTION}"