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form shows a dialog on which the user can make inputs. The values are written to the record or a payload and can be used in further actions. Attributes of the node configuration are written to the record, formField attributes are written to the payload. Important: "mode": "save" will only save the current record. If you want to save a child of the current object you are standing on, you have to first create an intermediate record with createForm and set the "_node": "myChildNode" attribute.

attributes Array of attributes that can be entered.
mode Possible values are: temp or save (default)
temp Write only in the record/payload
save Saves the record
focusAttribute The attribute to be focused when opening the dialog.
saveButtonText Change the default text for the save button
dirtyCheck By default, Insight does not check upon leaving the form if there are unsaved changes. If you want to force Insight to dirty check the form action
confirmLeave If you want to force Insight to always confirm you leaving the form

temp mode

Shows an input dialog and sends the values to a http service

    "label": "Call API",
    "icon": "icon-fire",
    "action": "form",
    "actionValues": [
            "_tree": "my-tree",
            "mode": "temp",
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "DESCRIPTION"
                    "label": "Count",
                    "name": "count",
                    "type": "Decimal"
    "then": {
        "action": "request",
        "request": {
            "url": "",
            "method": "POST",
            "headers": {
                "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
            "params": {
                "desc": "${DESCRIPTION}",
                "count": "${$payload.count}"

temp and save mode

Create a child with two input dialogs and navigate to the created record

    "label": "Worklog",
    "icon": "icon-plus",
    "action": "createForm",
    "actionValues": [
            "_node": "worklog"
    "then": {
        "action": "form",
        "actionValues": [
                "mode": "temp",
                "attributes": [
                        "name": "DESCRIPTION"
                "dirtyCheck": true
        "then": {
            "action": "form",
            "actionValues": [
                    "mode": "save",
                    "attributes": [
                            "name": "DESCRIPTION_LONGDESCRIPTION"
                    "confirmLeave": true