The handler writes the file to the insightDB-database and does a HTTP-POST call to a metadata REST-interface. All the configured backendParams are sent to the metadata interface. In addition, two additional parameters are sent:
- The document-id of the written file -> document.meta.reference=docid
- The file name of the written file -> document.meta.filename=filename
Several parameters must be configured in the of the insight-middleware.
Please note that in this example docId
and filename
refer to attribute names in the target tree configuration handling the metadata storage. documents-upload
in the url refers to the name of the treeConfiguration handling the metadata storage.
Example configuration¶
Example documents config to upload photos:
"root": {
"documents": [
"handler": "insight",
"name": "Außenbild Anlage",
"label": "Außenbild Anlage",
"type": "Foto",
"backendParams": {
"parentTable": "ACTIVITY",
"parentId": "${id}",
"type": "PHOTO"
"attributes": [
"name": "desc",
"label": "Description:",
"type": "String"
Example tree config to store metadata
"$schema": "./schema/schema.json",
"name": "documents-upload",
"title": "Documents-Upload",
"icon": "icon-paperclip",
"root": {
"name": "root",
"title": "Attachment",
"label": "${desc}",
"icon": "icon-paperclip",
"attributes": [
"name": "id",
"label": "id"
"name": "docid",
"label": "docid"
"name": "type",
"label": "type"
"name": "desc",
"label": "Bezeichnung"
"name": "parentId",
"label": "parentId"
"name": "parentTable",
"label": "parentTable"
"name": "filename",
"label": "Dateiname"
Example tree config to show documents
"children": {
"name": "documents",
"title": "Foto",
"bucket": "Photos",
"bucketIcon": "icon-camera2",
"icon": "icon-camera2",
"label": "${name}",
"attributes": [
"name": "desc",
"label": "Description"
"name": "docid",
"label": "Doc-Id"
"name": "filename",
"label": "File name"
"fileLink": {
"url": "insight/document/insight/${identifier}",
"fileName": "${filename}"
"menus": [
"label": "Show",
"icon": "icon-eye",
"action": "fileView"