Using Insight Web¶
The following properties have to be set in the applicationserver installation if you use full insight-web integration into open-AppClient:
Key: de/ibfs/insight/elasticBaseUrl
- The applicationserver is doing requests to elasticsearch with the configured Url
Key: de/ibfs/insight/insightBaseUrl
- The applicationserver enriches and delivers this url to the client and the client is doing requests to WebServer with this Url.
The following property must be set on the openJET-client:
- Key: gis.application.insight.url
must be replaced by the host with full domain name where the webserver is running and is reachable for the clients.
de/ibfs/insight/browser/url must be set to https://
It is necessary to configure an Admin-User with a searchAdmin-role to define Insight-searches and provide the searches to other users.
This user need to have the role “INSIGHT_SEARCH_ADMIN”
Customizing color and style¶
The color and style of insight-web component can be configured with htdocs\insight\web\customize.css.
A customize-example.css file is available in this directory and a customize.css will be delivered separately.